Welcome to the Active3D Support Center

Use the links below to gain insight into how Active3D operates and access useful tools and articles.


The Active3D Approach
Our software development strategies, integration of organizational efficiency models, transparent approach to teamwork, and user-centric approach to design and delivery.

Article (10+ Min)

Our Technology Stack
An overview of our preferred server, front-end, back-end, and next-generation technologies and integrations used to deliver best-in-class interactive campaigns.

Article (5-10 Min)


Security + Compliance Policies
An overview of current security and compliance policies.

Article (3-5 Min)

SIG Compliance Checklist
Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) FAQ : Our compliance, risk management, information security, physical security, and cybersecurity protocols.

Q&A (10+ Min)

WebGL Support + Troubleshooting
WebGL is supported on more than 97% of devices. Use this page to test and troubleshoot WebGL content that may be blocked at the network or device level.

Support Doc (5-10 Min)


Graphic Asset Delivery
When delivering your graphic assets, a little prep ensures each asset maintains its visual fidelity and is compatible with the A3D pipeline.

Article (5-10 Min)

Email Design + Delivery Guidelines
Our guidelines to help improve email scores and deliverability. Create templates and layouts that scale properly and display consistently across all email clients and devices.

Article (5-10 Min)

Web Design Best Practices
These guidelines to help improve web design and ensure consistency across desktop and mobile platforms. Create templates and layouts that scale properly and display consistently across all devices + browsers.

Article (5-10 Min)

Text/SMS Design + Delivery Guidelines
Our guide to well-formed SMS/text messages and guidelines to help avoid extra campaign costs and non-compliance issues with carriers.

Article (5-10 Min)

UTM Tracking Best Practices
Tracking Modules are a standardized set of parameters that you can add to a link (URL, email button, QR, etc). Learn more about how you can use these codes to get the data you need from visitors to your site.

Article (10+ Min)

How To : High Resolution Square Screenshots
When getting a screenshot of a website or tool, it is important to consider how the screenshot will be used. In this video, we show you how to take a square screenshot.

Video (2 Min)

Social Media Design + Delivery Guidelines
This is a brief description of what this section is about and what the details are and what you are going to learn or be informed about if you click the button.

Article (5-10 Min)

How To: Graphic Delivery
Useful tips and tricks on file format types, when a graphic should be raster or vector, and how to quickly deliver the graphics for your campaign.

Article (5-10 Min)

How To: Video Delivery
An in-depth overview of file types, formats, bitrate and all the other things you need to know to produce and deliver high quality videos.

Article (5-10 Min)

How To: Fonts
An overview of how best to deliver font files depending on where and how your campaign will take place.

Article (5-10 Min)


Active 3D offers 24 hour emergency support and regular support between the hours of 8:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. CST.
For support, please reach us at the number or email below.

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